2022 AT SHAREcase Session 3 Room 5

The Bakken Center's Wellbeing Enhances Learning (WEL) model and how to use it

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 1:45 pm–2:30 pm

Kely MacPhail, MEd, Academic Technologist, Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing
Asa Olson, PhD, Academic Technologist, Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing

This workshop will demonstrate the purpose of the Bakken Center's Wellbeing Enhances Learning (WEL) Model and how to use it. In general, the WEL Model identifies teaching and learning practices that can increase student wellbeing, theorizing that wellbeing enhances engagement and learning. During the workshop, participants will explore a framework for assessing how instructional practices in a course may already align to this Model and identify new instructional practices that could be applied to promote student wellbeing. We’ll invite participants to share out what they're seeing in courses, what new strategies they might share, and any feedback they have about the Model. Afterward, the facilitators will demonstrate how the Model can be used to implement these practices.

Resources and Notes
see collective note-taking document

Topics: Wellbeing for self and staff  |  Accommodations and best practices  |  Exploring improved areas of teaching and learning  |  Ideas about different or new ways to engage students as agents of their own learning
