2022 AT SHAREcase Featured Speaker

Doug Kennedy

Assistant Professor, Integrative Health & Wellbeing Research Program
Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota

Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 9:00 am–9:45 am

Mindfulness and wellbeing: Practices and practical considerations for educational settings

There's a lot of buzz around mindfulness and its potential to improve learning spaces and instructor and student wellbeing. Given hype it is essential then that education professionals be able to sift through these claims as they work to create supportive learning environments for all students. The session will mix experiential learning, teaching practice modeling, an overview of the state of research on mindfulness and mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), and important considerations when considering implementing mindfulness practices in the classroom.


Dr. Kennedy is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Spirituality & Healing and a Faculty Research Fellow in the Integrative Health & Wellbeing Research Program (IHWRP). He is an experienced educator, and has a strong background in program design, intercultural competencies, as well as qualitative research. Dr. Kennedy is UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center trained mindfulness facilitator, and teaches courses at the University of Minnesota in mindfulness meditation, stress reduction, the intersections of contemplative practice and culture. From 2016-2020 he lead the Center's Mindfulness in Education Initiative which partnered with three public schools to bring mindfulness practices for health and wellbeing to teachers and their students. He currently co-leads the Integrative Health & Wellbeing Research Program’s Community Engagement Initiative which is focused on fostering authentic community relationships and improving health equity in complementary and integrative health (CIH) research for pain management and wellbeing. 

Resources and Notes
see collective note-taking document

Doug Kennedy headshot