2022 AT SHAREcase Session 1 Room 4

Using StoryMaps as a Multi-Modal Platform for Learning

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 11:15 am–12 pm

Shana Crosson, Geospatial Technologies Consultant, U-Spatial

Esri StoryMaps are a flexible and powerful tool for teaching and learning that empower students to become content creators, be creative and explore new ways to express themselves. Combining visuals, mapmaking and text into one easy-to-learn platform has enabled instructors to design projects for their classes that utilize multi-modal writing, digital communication skills, spatial thinking and other essential skills. This session will look at several examples of course projects and teach you how to help faculty design effective learning.

Resources and Notes
see collective note-taking document

Topics: Technology to enhance learning and facilitate teaching. |  Ideas about different or new ways to engage students as agents of their own learning